Urge the UK Home Secretary to give victims like Nancy a chance to recover


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Dear Rt. Hon. Suella Braverman MP:

I am deeply concerned that government-recognized victims of trafficking in the UK are not being provided with the support necessary to recover from trauma and rebuild their lives. The Minister responsible recently said “the government is committed to ensuring victims get the support they need”.

Nancy is one such victim who, despite receiving a positive conclusive grounds decision after passing through the National Referral Mechanism, has been repeatedly failed by the Home Office. She was left homeless and destitute with no way to support herself, let alone access support to recover from the mental trauma of living in modern slavery that left her with anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts.

Following several applications to remain in the UK where she is safe from her traffickers to get the support she needs, Nancy has been denied a residence permit. As a result, she faces having to return to her home country where her traffickers await, still vulnerable from the trauma of enduring domestic servitude.

I urge you to grant Nancy leave to remain in the UK where she may be provided with adequate support to be able to rebuild her life free from the threat of retrafficking and retraumatisation, and to support the passage of the Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill so that all victims are better protected.

Yours sincerely,