As we approach the end of October, Black History Month in the U.K., we are remembering and encouraging reflection on the enslaved [...]
Tag: Speak Free
Looking back on a year of partnership against modern slavery
This post by our Advocacy Officer, Carlo Ladd, was originally published by the United Nations Association of New York. The United [...]
Why my experience proves we need to end forced child marriage
July 22, 2021: WIN! New York became the sixth state in the United States to pass a bill to end child marriage without any exceptions, [...]
Urging investors to call on P&G to act on tainted palm oil
Yesterday, investors in global consumer goods company Proctor and Gamble (P&G) received a brief in which Freedom United highlights [...]
US Customs and Border Protection bans palm oil imports
On September 30, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced a ban on palm oil imported from FGV Holdings Berhad (FGV) — one of [...]
Eritrea and forced labor: a history in photos
Photo essay by guest contributor Martin Plaut, a fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, the former BBC World Service Africa [...]
OPINION: Forced organ harvesting could be coming into the UK health system
This article was originally published in Thomson Reuters Foundation. Forced organ harvesting and organ trafficking are interlinked [...]
Western Australia accepts our call to action to fight against forced labor
UPDATE April 2022: Big news! Australia finally ratifies the Forced Labour Protocol. We handed in 100,000+ Freedom United petition [...]
Mobilizing consumers to push Boohoo to #GoTransparent
In recent weeks fast-fashion company Boohoo has come under fire for labor abuses allegedly occurring in their suppliers’ factories in [...]
New U.S. asylum rules endanger victims of slavery
On June 15, 2020 the Trump administration proposed sweeping new rules that would severely restrict the ability of refugees to gain [...]
Live through us George Floyd
Our Executive Director, Joanna Ewart-James, comments on the murder of George Floyd. The murder of George Floyd in police custody [...]
Q&A: Taking the trafficking out of sex work
Sex trafficking has long been separated from the broader crime of human trafficking. But some are beginning to question whether this [...]