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Workers with full buckets of fruit pouring them into large crates with an orchard behind them Forced Labor
Wednesday August 30, 2023

Disability and modern slavery: lack of attention as harmful as deliberate malice

Brendan Hyatt

This is an abridged version of the article originally published on Human Trafficking Search to support the three-part podcast series 'Disability and human trafficking' available on Rethink Freedom.  In my recent research, I've delved into the under-explored connection between disability and human trafficking. This overlooked issue came to my attention during my time at Grinnell College in Iowa. I stumbled upon the case of EEOC vs Hill County Farms, a landmark civil case that exposed the convergence of disability and trafficking. The case centered on dozens of

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Engraved stone with a message in English to ancestors Anti-slavery activists
Tuesday August 22, 2023

Remembering, reckoning and repairing: the importance of teaching history for a slavery-free world

The Transatlantic Slave Trade was rooted in race. It solidified the concept of white supremacy and the systematic displacement of millions of Africans. Today, August 23, we remember the 12.4 million human beings that were loaded onto slave ships and carried through the ‘middle passage.’[1]   We remember the 1.8 million people who died while on the Atlantic Ocean, who were cast overboard to the sharks that followed the wake of the ships. And we remember the 10.6 million people who survived and were forced into the vicious plantation system that built the Americas.   August 23 is

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Person outside of a building holding up a sign that reads "economic justice" Anti-slavery activists
Monday July 31, 2023

Emancipation Day and the call for reparations

Krysta Bisnauth

What do reparations movements look like where you are? Share your comments below! In the Caribbean, August 1 is Emancipation Day, an occasion commemorating the end of the transatlantic slave trade, celebrating the fight for freedom as well as remembering the ancestors who suffered unimaginable cruelties. Although ended almost 200 years ago, for this region, the epicenter of this distinctively brutal enterprise, the legacy of colonialism and slavery continues to reverberate to this day, shaping socio-economic and political landscapes and rendering the region vulnerable to a myriad of

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Human trafficking
Friday July 28, 2023

Freedom United welcomes Human Trafficking Search to our community

Joanna Ewart-James

Freedom United is excited to announce that Human Trafficking Search is now part of the Freedom United family. The two organizations share a goal of bringing you timely and informed analysis of all forms of human trafficking issues worldwide. Who is Human Trafficking Search? It is a global resource and database, based in the U.S., like Freedom United. On its website, you can read news articles, watch videos, view art, explore research, and blog posts covering all forms of human trafficking. These include resource hubs on prison labor, foster care and trafficking, and the war in

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Kenyan women continue protest against kafala system in Lebanon Anti-slavery activists
Friday June 16, 2023

Kenyan domestic worker stranded in Lebanon over inability to buy her flight ticket

This piece is an account written by Wanja Kimani who helped support Catherine Ranji, a migrant domestic worker in Lebanon. June 19, 2023 update: Good news! Catherine will finally reach her home country this week. Catherine Wanjiru Ranji is a 25-year-old Kenyan who hails from Karibaribi in Gatundu North, Kiambu County. She is currently stranded in Beirut, Lebanon. She first reached out to me in August 2022 while looking for assistance to return home. She had worked in Lebanon as a domestic worker for some time until she fell out with her madam over unpaid wages. The office,

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