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Wednesday September 6, 2017

Fighting Modern Slavery – ‘Ordinary People’ to the rescue

Joanna Ewart-James

It’s a fact. We do not know precisely how many people are held in modern slavery today. We do know that the number reaches into many millions - the newly released 2016 Global Slavery Index estimates a total of 45.8million. The term modern slavery has never been more frequently used by the media and within legislative and corporate spheres. Despite this, the pervasive low awareness within our largely globalised, modern society, allows this pernicious crime to thrive. Ten thousand new laws and audits will not make great change; we need society

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Law & Policy
Tuesday August 29, 2017

Without knowledge there can be no progress in the fight against modern slavery

Joanna Ewart-James

We will never be able to combat modern forms of slavery if people aren’t aware that modern slavery exists. There are still too many people in the world today who incorrectly believe that slavery came to an end long ago. Public awareness campaigns are therefore essential, since if modern slavery is not acknowledged, there is little chance of making significant progress tackling this crime. A lack of awareness means neighbors will not recognize the circumstances of the domestic worker next door. Traffickers will make their profits right under the noses of authorities. Victims

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Law & Policy
Monday July 17, 2017

The highs and lows of the 2017 TIP Report

Abby McGill

Last week, the U.S. Department of State delivered its annual Trafficking in Persons report. Though the report is much anticipated each year by anti-trafficking advocates, this year drew extra attention as the first report released by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in the Trump administration, and in the wake of two straight years of allegations that political considerations had weighted some country rankings. There is much in this report for which the State Department should be commended, in particular: Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan retain their Tier 3 ranking. Both Central Asian

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Forced Marriage
Monday February 20, 2017

When is child marriage slavery?

Joanna Ewart-James

Child marriage is a formal union where one or both of the parties are under 18 years old. In many places around the world, marriage under the age of 18 is part of a culturally accepted norm, and about 10% of the global population has been married before their 18th birthday. However, in certain cases, child marriage can amount to slavery. At Freedom United, we use these indicators to help determine when child marriage constitutes slavery: a child has not genuinely given

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