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Thursday June 25, 2020

What happened to me should never happen to anyone else

Campaign Summary: Thousands of temporary workers are being trafficked into forced labor in California under threat of violence, deportation, and harm to their families. The vast majority of temporary workers are recruited via third-party foreign labor contractors, some of whom act neither lawfully nor ethically. That is why we are working with the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking and calling on the California State Legislature to support legislation that would help protect temporary workers from modern slavery. I came to the United States with the promise of a good job. In the

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George Floyd Trafalgar Square protest Other slavery
Tuesday June 2, 2020

Live through us George Floyd

Joanna Ewart-James

Our Executive Director, Joanna Ewart-James, comments on the murder of George Floyd.  The murder of George Floyd in police custody exposes a total failure in the principle of equality - that for all lives to matter Black lives must matter. His life cannot have been valued by those in the position of power whilst his breath was being taken away. The many others who have died at the hands of police in the U.S., without legitimate defense, share with George their racial identity – Black. The circumstances can only be explained by deep-seated racism – actions suggesting Black lives don’t

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Empower Thailand and English Collective of Prostitutes Activists
Thursday May 28, 2020

Q&A: Taking the trafficking out of sex work

Sex trafficking has long been separated from the broader crime of human trafficking. But some are beginning to question whether this separation is useful—or even whether it’s actively harmful. Sex workers' rights advocates argue that the division makes it easier for people to conflate all sex work with trafficking, inspiring misled campaigns to eliminate sex work at large and denying sex workers the opportunity to advocate for their labor rights. It also perpetuates victims of exploitation being treated as criminals rather than receiving the help, support and justice they

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Wednesday May 20, 2020

Help protect farmworkers like me from modern slavery

Descargue este blog en español Campaign Summary: Thousands of temporary workers are being trafficked into forced labor in California under threat of violence, deportation, and harm to their families. The vast majority of temporary workers are recruited via third-party foreign labor contractors, some of whom act neither lawfully nor ethically. That is why we are working with the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking and calling on the California State Legislature to support legislation that would help protect temporary workers from modern slavery. My name is Raymundo. I was

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Rahima Mahmut Anti-slavery activists
Friday May 15, 2020

“What is happening in my homeland is cultural genocide”

Uyghur activist Rahima Mahmut shares how the Chinese government's repressive system of forced labor in the Uyghur Region has impacted her and her loved ones.   My name is Rahima Mahmut and I am from Ghulja, in the north of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region/East Turkistan. I have been unable to return home since I came to the UK in 2000 because I chose to speak out about the injustice my people faced. But for most of those years I was still in normal contact with my family—we would have long conversations on the phone.  Then in 2016, I began to hear about the chilling changes

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