UPDATE April 2022: Big news! Australia finally ratifies the Forced Labour Protocol. We handed in 100,000+ Freedom United petition signatures to Australia’s UN Ambassador Mitch Fifield and sent our petition to the Western Australian parliament. They have responded to our collective voice! Now the Forced Labour Protocol is signed, we look forward to the benefits of stronger protections. On World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, members of the Freedom United community joined as we conducted our first-ever virtual petition hand-in. Together, we delivered over 100,000 signatures
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Mobilizing consumers to push Boohoo to #GoTransparent
In recent weeks fast-fashion company Boohoo has come under fire for labor abuses allegedly occurring in their suppliers’ factories in Leicester, central England. The “Boohoo & COVID-19” report by Labour Behind the Label published in June 2020 and a subsequent investigation by the Sunday Times uncovered disturbing exploitation, including immigrant workers with symptoms of COVID-19 being forced to work or risk losing their jobs, as well as workers being paid just £3.50 an hour, well below the minimum wage in Britain of £8.72. In Labour Behind the Label’s report, they point to
New U.S. asylum rules endanger victims of slavery
On June 15, 2020 the Trump administration proposed sweeping new rules that would severely restrict the ability of refugees to gain asylum in the United States. Freedom United is the world’s largest community dedicated to ending human trafficking & modern slavery. We mobilize a united community to create power advocating for change by making the public stakeholders in the ending modern slavery. We are gravely concerned by these changes, especially as they pertain to forced recruitment of child soldiers – a form of modern slavery. Rather than exclude child soldiers who were forcibly
Jayson’s story
Basahin sa Tagalog dito Campaign Summary: Thousands of temporary workers are being trafficked into forced labor in California under threat of violence, deportation, and harm to their families. The vast majority of temporary workers are recruited via third-party foreign labor contractors, some of whom act neither lawfully nor ethically. That is why we are working with the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking and calling on the California State Legislature to support legislation that would help protect temporary workers from modern slavery. My name is Jayson. While I was
World Day for International Justice
On World Day for International Justice, the Freedom United community is seeking justice for victims and survivors of all forms of modern slavery. Receiving compensation helps victims on their road to recovery and helps prevent re-victimization. Any person who has been a victim of modern slavery has a right to compensation. In spite of this internationally recognized right, many people around the world receive compensation that is not in line with damages that have actually been suffered, or they do not receive compensation at all. Around the world, millions of modern slavery