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Climate inaction is undermining anti-slavery efforts Anti-slavery activists
Friday August 20, 2021

Climate inaction is undermining anti-slavery efforts

Allan Gray

Read our joint letter to world leaders urgently calling on them to recognize the link between climate-induced migration and modern slavery – and take action to mitigate risks. The report heard around the world The world has been united in horror following the “code red for humanity” declared in the new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This declaration follows months of news about wildfires in the Pacific Northwest, Turkey, and Greece; stories of the harrowing reality of deadly floods in China, Belgium, Germany, Nigeria, and Costa Rica, as well as

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Indigenous peoples and the anti-trafficking sector's blind spot Human trafficking
Friday August 6, 2021

Indigenous peoples and the anti-trafficking sector’s blind spot

This blog was last updated in August 2023. There are an estimated 370 million indigenous people around the world. Today,  indigenous peoples are counted among the populations made most vulnerable to human trafficking. Indigenous communities are usually overlooked when it comes to institutional reporting and data collection on forced labor and trafficking due to problematic definitions of trafficking coupled with the usually remote living arrangements of indigenous communities and their relationships with state authorities.  However, in some cases, inflation of incidence is

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How accurate is the 2021 TIP report? Human trafficking
Thursday July 8, 2021

How accurate is the 2021 TIP report?

The 2021 influential U.S. Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report was published last week and we’re sharing our own perspective on this year’s rankings.  The TIP report is an important tool to engage world governments on the issue of trafficking, aiming to hold countries accountable for their actions to address, or indeed exacerbate human trafficking.    Freedom United’s advocacy and campaigning tell us that not everything is as it seems in this year’s report. But which countries have been rightfully called out for their poor efforts to tackle trafficking and which countries

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Forced Labor
Friday June 25, 2021

Our message to Congress to abolish slavery

Freedom United joins a national coalition launching the #EndTheException campaign fighting to abolish constitutional slavery and involuntary servitude in all forms, for all people. Together with over 70 national organizations, we sent a joint letter to Congress, addressed to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, endorsing the recently introduced Abolition Amendment and urging immediate passage. The joint resolution (SJ Res 21, HJ Res 53) which reads, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude may be imposed as punishment for a crime,” was introduced

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Forced Labor
Tuesday June 22, 2021

Ending slavery in the 13th Amendment

Ahead of Juneteenth, Merkley, Williams Propose Constitutional Amendment to Close Slavery Loophole in 13th Amendment Indisputably racist exception permitting slavery as punishment for crime has fueled systemic racism in criminal justice for over 150 years  Washington, D.C. June 18 –  Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley and Congresswoman Nikema Williams (GA-05) have introduced the Abolition Amendment, which would strike the ‘Slavery Clause’ of the 13th Amendment that allows slavery to continue in the United States. Congress passed legislation to establish Juneteenth as a federal

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