Qatar is the world’s wealthiest per capita state, but many migrant workers building grand World Cup stadiums in preparation for [...]
Source: The Guardian
Child Cases of Modern Slavery Double in UK
The number of cases of modern slavery involving children in the UK has doubled in the past year according to new data from the National [...]
“I’m a Victim of Slavery but I’m Just Seen as an Immigration Problem”
Nancy Esiovwa escaped slavery five years ago in Bedfordshire, where she was beaten and worked without pay in a family home. But she [...]
Will the EU import Myanmar’s slavery-tainted shrimp?
Forced labor in the fishing industry has made significant headlines over the years. The first place that might come to mind is [...]
Supreme court rules that Nevsun can be sued in Canada
Nevsun Resources, the Canadian mining giant that stands accused of benefiting from forced labor in Eritrea, can be sued in Canada for [...]
Warning of Uyghur “genocide,” faith leaders urge action
Faith leaders from around the world have come together to condemn the Chinese government’s persecution of the Uyghur people and to call [...]
The continued horror of “marry-your-rapist” laws around the world
Though the “marry-your-rapist” laws have mostly been rooted out, a new report from the United Nations has revealed that [...]
Trafficking survivors housed in squalid military barracks
Trafficking survivors are amongst hundreds of people seeking asylum who are being housed in squalid conditions in the U.K.’s [...]
Trafficking survivors in the U.K. unidentified and unprotected
The U.K.’s stated commitment to protect trafficking survivors rings hollow as new data released during anti-trafficking week exposes [...]
Endure exploitation or risk deportation: the dilemma of Australia’s migrants
Migrant workers in Australia often choose not to report exploitative treatment to avoid putting their visas at risk. A new bill [...]
Incarcerated people suffering from medical conditions forced to work
“I’ve even seen some people that refused, and they were sent to solitary confinement. […] It’s very disheartening. It needs to stop. [...]
Freedom United launches campaign film calling on fans to think of fallen migrant workers
“This is because of our blood and sweat.” – Ram Pukar Sahani, Nepali worker in Qatar In just two days the World Cup in Qatar will begin [...]
Migrant workers left struggling 100 days since the World Cup
Migrant workers from West Africa say they have been left stranded, destitute, and jobless in Qatar just 100 days after the end of the [...]
Supply chain auditing companies focused on protecting companies, not workers
A recent investigation by The Guardian into international supply-chain auditing companies found a lack of independence and transparency [...]
Calls for Keir Starmer to overhaul hostile U.K. migration policies
Hundreds of refugee and human rights organizations have called on Prime Minister Keir Starmer to transform the U.K.’s migration policy, [...]
Despite new restrictions, temporary migrant workers still face modern slavery in Australia
After two high-profile federal cases exposed systemic labor exploitation by foreign diplomats working in Australia, the government has [...]