Survivors of forced marriage in the UK are calling for the crime to be treated as a form of modern slavery and for perpetrators to be [...]
Source: The Guardian
‘This is Human Trafficking’: After Maria, Puerto Rico to Move 3,200 Inmates to Arizona
Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico last year, leaving many parts of the island in disrepair. In the aftermath, Puerto Rico’s [...]
Forced Marriage Activist at Center of Sexual Harassment Case
Jasvinder Sanghera, the founder of charity Karma Nirvana and vocal campaigner against forced marriage, has revealed that she is the [...]
Uyghur Governor Suggests Xinjiang Camps May Be Phased Out
Officials in Xinjiang are hinting that China’s controversial detention camps — where forced labor has been alleged — may one day [...]
Is Fairtrade Finished?
Fairtrade changed the way many Western consumers shopped, but a perplexing trend is putting the very idea of fair trade in question — [...]
Cuba’s secret deal with Qatar to take up to 90% of doctors’ wages
West of Doha in the middle of the desert you’ll find a small hospital. In front are two flags—one of Qatar and one of Cuba. And [...]
Young woman retrafficked as UK repeatedly fails to provide support
An extremely vulnerable young victim of trafficking and sexual exploitation has been failed several times by the UK’s interior [...]
11 years in prison for Samoan chief who enslaved villagers
A Samoan chief in New Zealand who made headlines earlier this year for enslaving villagers was on Monday sentenced to 11 years in [...]
U.S. escalates action against Top Glove with total rubber glove import ban
The U.S. has banned the import of all rubber gloves from the world’s largest manufacturer, Top Glove, as a result of forced and [...]
New U.K. ‘watchdog’ to safeguard workers against exploitation
The U.K. government has recently announced a plan to establish a government body to guard against worker exploitation including [...]
Landmark judgment could see trafficking survivors granted leave to remain
A week after losing a legal challenge regarding its policy that denies asylum seekers the right to work, the U.K. Home Office, which is [...]
Sex workers’ social media site forced to shut down due to laws purporting to tackle trafficking
Switter, a social media site set up in 2018 by Assembly Four, an Australian collective of sex workers and technology experts, has shut [...]
How traffickers are using U.K. universities
The Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) is a U.K. body whose role is to protect vulnerable and exploited workers. Through [...]
U.K. can no longer claim to be a world leader in tackling modern slavery
The UN is set to review the U.K.’s human rights record in its universal periodic review (UPR) this week, which is anticipated to result [...]
Freedom United calls on U.K. government to withdraw harmful Refugee Ban Bill
This week Freedom United joined a group of NGOs, advocates and academics in sending a letter to U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak urging [...]
U.S. prison work programs are “legalized slavery”
The U.S. has one of the highest rates of incarceration in the world – housing over 20% of the world’s prison population while having [...]
Florida’s deadly forced prison labor system
Florida’s prison system, the third largest in the U.S., relies heavily on forced labor to keep its facilities running and support [...]
Australia fails to protect workers from domestic servitude
Never having visited another country, Priyanka Danaratna enthusiastically accepted an offer to move from Sri Lanka to Australia to work [...]
Documentary: Forgotten Girls of Dhaka
Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. On its northern outskirts is a slum called Duaripara that serves as home to more than 40,000 [...]
Airlines Encouraged to Train Staff to Identify Trafficking Victims
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime is asking airlines to distribute information to passengers, cargo workers and staff, that [...]
The Truth about Canned Italian Tomatoes
It has been discovered that canned tomatoes sold by two giant food producers in the UK have been harvested in Italy under conditions [...]
NHS Admits Surgical Tools Could be Made from Child Labor
Doctors in the UK may very well be using surgical tools made by children as young as 12 years-old according to The Guardian. Pakistani [...]
Portraits of Mauritania’s Former Slaves
In 1981 Mauritania became the last country in the world to make slavery illegal. Yet decades on, slavery persists despite government [...]
Opinion: “Prison Labor is Modern Slavery. I’ve Been Sent to Solitary for Speaking Out”
A nationwide strike is underway in US prisons, potentially becoming the largest protest of incarcerated men and women in American [...]