Uzbekistan has embarked on major reforms and increased diplomatic engagement since Shavkat Mirziyoyev took over as president. Yet, [...]
Source: Open Democracy
Misusing the term “sex trafficking” doesn’t help prevent exploitation
In an opinion piece published by openDemocracy this week, Ben Chapman-Schmidt addresses the use, and misuse, of the term ‘sex [...]
Imagining a world beyond borders
Borders no longer exist only along the confines of a territory – they are now embedded in our societies, rearing their head every time [...]
“Sound of Freedom”: Hollywood’s misguided take on anti-trafficking
Amid the tremendous popularity of the film “Sound of Freedom,” which has made over 100 million dollars already, a critical [...]
Opinion: There is No “Race to the Bottom”
It has become increasingly common to talk about a “race to the bottom” when it comes to the erosion of workers’ [...]
Atlanta Asian massage parlor murders are a warning to the anti-trafficking sector
COP27 is over – what next?
The Sharm El-Sheikh COP27 climate summit concluded last week after two weeks of tense discussions with world leaders. Well past the [...]
Theresa May’s legacy: migrant worker exploitation
As Theresa May bids farewell to politics, her legacy is one of controversy, particularly within migrant communities and advocacy [...]
UK Modern Slavery Act: Putting Saviors Before the Saved?
This past week the UK Modern Slavery Act turned four years old. Yet while the government has spent upwards of £100 million to tackle [...]
Interview: Why does Freedom United use the term ‘modern slavery’?
Bangladeshi migrants still paying off debts from working in Qatar
Bangladeshi migrant workers are reporting returning to their home countries saddled with debt after paying high recruitment fees to [...]
Jails in the U.K. hold more victims of modern slavery than perpetrators
Modern slavery victims in the U.K. are legally entitled to specialist support under the Modern Slavery Victim Care Contract regardless [...]
Talking Trafficking With Jamaican Sex Workers
Sex workers in Jamaica face more violence from clients and the police than traffickers, but addressing this problem is one too [...]
India’s new trafficking bill undermines labor rights
India’s newly proposed Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Care and Rehabilitation) Bill 2021 is coming under fire for its lack [...]
Modern slavery survivor’s horror in U.K. immigration detention centers
“It was like a prison. […] It was traumatic. There were high walls, barbed wires, cameras everywhere. Everywhere you went there were [...]
E.U. deepening support for abuse and exploitation with new Libyan center
The European Union’s support for the Libyan Coast Guard (LCG) is set to deepen with the opening of a new Maritime Rescue [...]
The Two-Fronted Fight of Sex Workers Against Trafficking
Sex workers are in a difficult position, fighting both exploitation in the sex industry and misguided policies that are supposed to [...]
Freedom United on sex work & building resilience to trafficking
Freedom United’s Executive Director, Joanna Ewart-James, explains why Freedom United supports the full decriminalization of sex [...]
U.S. anti-trafficking law putting sex workers & trafficking survivors in danger
The controversial Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act and Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act (FOSTA/SESTA) is due to face an important [...]
Samyar’s story: how the U.K. immigration system turns migrants into criminals
In 2022 the former U.K. government made a ministerial change with supporting legislation that seemed on paper quite minor. However, [...]
Beyond Survival to End Domestic Trafficking
This articles argues that we must look beyond survival to end domestic trafficking. Ending labour trafficking requires us to elevate [...]
International law on organized crime key in tackling human trafficking
Long-standing debates within the counter-trafficking and counter-smuggling space have focused on the ineffectiveness around the [...]
Why Freedom United supports the decriminalisation of sex work
European asylum could drive down exploitation
Italy received criticism last month for introducing a controversial code of conduct for search and rescue boats which would put people [...]