On Monday, authorities in Lima, Peru arrested a man who was allegedly ran a child sex business for tourists for a decade. Police also [...]
Source: IOL News
Iraqi Child Brides have Little Future
Iraqi child brides have little future ahead of them. According to aid workers, many parents think their children will be less [...]
46 Women to be “Shipped Overseas” Rescued in Johannesburg
Forty six women who were being held captive inside a room in Johannesburg have been rescued by authorities. It is suspected that they [...]
Mentally Disabled Girl Testifies on Forced Marriage to 61-Year-Old
A court in Port Elizabeth, South Africa has determined that a mentally disabled girl who was forced into marriage at the age of 13 is [...]
Public Easily Trapped into False Promises at Sexpo
"You have just become one of 21 million people to be lured into human trafficking through false job promises."
Delhi’s Plan to Assist Trafficking Victims
Authorities plan to set up a skills development and employment programme to help rescued victims of human trafficking.
Count Me In, South Africa’s Rallying Cry
Africa just began its 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children. It's the 17th year of this campaign. The [...]