There are 120 million children absent from class around the globe. This is an education deficit in our world...
Source: Human Rights Watch
Lebanon’s vaccine rollout risks excluding migrants and refugees
Migrants and refugees in Lebanon, including many survivors of modern slavery, are at risk of being left behind by the government’s [...]
European Union finally says “no” to products made with forced labor
In a decisive step towards cleaning up supply-chains, the European Union has approved a law forbidding the sale of products made with [...]
Human Rights in Supply Chains
Human rights are at risk. In the globalized economy in which we live, businesses across all sectors find sources of good ans services [...]
Sufficient progress not made to warrant Tier 2 ranking for Thailand in TIP Report 2020
EU plans to weaken corporate sustainability law
In 2024, the EU passed the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) to hold companies accountable for human rights and [...]
Complaint Against World Bank Regarding Uzbekistan
A complaint was filed against the World Bank's private lending division by a victim of forced labor and three Uzbek human rights [...]
MSC’s Revised Chain of Custody Certification Fails to Adequately Address Forced Labor and Child Labor in Seafood Supply Chains
Migrant Domestic Workers Trapped in Oman
Migrant domestic workers are trapped behind closed doors in abusive labor situations in Oman, one of the Gulf States...
Letter to Thailand Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha
Afghanistan–The Pain of Child Labor
Nearly a quarter of the Afghan children--ages 5 and 14--have jobs to help their families survive. A number of them work in hazardous [...]
Joint Civil Society Statement concerning Implementation of the Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930
North Korea Fails Labor Rights
Pyongyang Uses ‘Predatory’ Labor Abuses to Build Economy(Seoul) – On October 10, 2015, the 70th anniversary of the founding of the [...]
Male Guardianship System in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia’s male guardianship system continues to be the greatest obstacle to women’s rights even though there have been limited [...]
Success! Freedom United community pushes for New York to ban child marriage
Last week, New York became the sixth state in the U.S. to ban child marriage after Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation that [...]
Saudi Arabia and Rights of Migrant Workers
There is concern that while Saudi Arabia's labor reforms can help prevent abuses, they do not cover domestic help and may foster [...]
Refugee Education in Lebanon
Refugee Education. But after five years of conflict, 250,000 children—that's half of the school-aged Syrian children in Lebanon--are [...]
FIFA claims workers gain “dignity and pride”, ignoring harsh conditions
At a press conference held on May 2, when asked by the host and MSNBC reporter if FIFA would use its World Cup profits to make [...]
Human Rights Activist Arrested
Several human rights organizations are calling for justice, asking Uzbek authorities to release Uktam Pardaev, a long-time activist who [...]
Tanzanian Domestic Workers Abused in the Gulf
Human Rights Watch is reporting that Tanzanian domestic workers in Oman and the UAE are being abused through an exploitative [...]
“Deterrence by drowning”: why the E.U. must create safe migration channels
Last week, Loujin, a four-year-old girl from Syria, spent days stranded on a boat before eventually dying at sea, according to Human [...]