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Car Crash Saves Rohingya Teenager from Forced Marriage

  • Published on
    June 12, 2018
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  • Category:
    Child Slavery, Forced Marriage
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A car accident in southern Thailand has proved to be a blessing in disguise for one 15 year old Rohingya girl.

On June 8 she was with eight other Rohingya passengers in the back of a pickup truck that was being chased by police after speeding through a checkpoint in Nakhon Si Thammarat province.

The driver then lost control of the truck, crashing into the side of the road and fleeing the scene. All eight Rohingya passengers have since been taken into custody.

The Star reports:

A police investigation has now concluded that the girl was the victim of a human-trafficking gang and was on her way to being forced into a marriage with a Malaysian man.

An informed source said she had been sold for about Bt90,000 (RM11,192).

“So, a multidisciplinary team looking into this case has resolved to treat this case as a human-trafficking case,” the source added.

Nakhon Si Thammarat’s police chief Pol Maj General Wanchai Ekpornpich is currently expediting the case and arrest warrants for the Thai suspects will soon be issued.


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