Buycott is an app that was created to help consumers make purchases based on individual social conscience…
It is a smart-phone app that can read a product’s barcode then inform if the item violates the user’s principles. Once the app is downloaded, the shopper simply selects what they want to avoid. For example, if they do not want to purchase any product made by companies that enslave or mistreat their workers, they might select Boycott Child Labor Companies, Boycott Human Trafficking, or Demand these Companies Address Reparations for Slavery. The smart-phone is then capable of scanning a barcode and letting the consumer know if the producer has any such offences. But that’s not all. If that product is not a good choice, Buycott will also give product alternatives that have NO such offences.
Buycott is the brainchild of Ivan Pardo, a 26-year-old LA developer who created it to increase corporate social responsibility while encouraging consumers to protest with their purchases.
It’s free. It’s easy. It’s effective. It puts a world of information and purchase-power on your phone and at your fingertips. Be sure to download Buycott before your next trip to the grocery store or mall!
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