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150-Year-Anniversary for the 13th Amendment

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    December 28, 2015
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This month marks the 150-year-anniversary for the 13th amendment.  That’s the amendment that bans slavery in America.  That was a huge and historic effort toward eradicating forced slavery…

That’s the good news. The bad news, according to this article, is that 150 years later we are still trying to end human trafficking. Although slavery is now illegal in every country in the world, the traffickers are amassing billions each year and there are estimated to be 20 million victims.  This article lists some of the products the Department of Labor believes are produced by child or forced labor. Many goods get into the U.S. by way of business supply chains.  But the “consumptive demand” clause allows a loop hole and lets many items slip in.  Here are some of the slave-produced goods you might find in your local stores: cotton, garments, palm oil, cocoa, coffee, and electronics. To read this story in its entirety, just click on the link below.

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This week

Debt in Vietnam—a pipeline to modern slavery

When hard times hit, taking out a loan is standard to help bridge the gap. But for many living in Vietnam, the BBC reports that debt can become a pipeline to modern slavery. When no good loan options exist, people turn to loan sharks who charge high interest rates. These unscrupulous lenders are working together with traffickers. When the loan comes due, if they can’t pay, they or their family members find themselves fast-tracked to modern slavery. 

| Thursday March 6, 2025

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