Freedom 101
Child Slavery
You can read the short transcript about child slavery instead.
- According to current estimates, it is believed one in four victims of modern slavery are children, meaning around 12 million are in child slavery today.
- Children in slavery are often surrounded by violence, abuse and threats. They work long hours doing hazardous, tiring work, usually far from their homes and family.
- Child slavery can take many forms, although it is usually forced labour. This includes domestic servitude or debt bondage.
- Children are also trafficked, forced into marriage and armed conflict, or exploited for the profit of others. This exploitation includes illicit activities including commercial sexual exploitation, pornography, forced begging, petty theft, and the drugs trade.
- Child trafficking is one form of child slavery. Human trafficking usually involves threats of violence, deception, or coercion, but no such force is needed when trafficking children.
- According to UNICEF, there about around 105,000 child soldiers involved in over 30 conflicts worldwide, including some younger than 10 years old.
- Although progress has stagnated, some industries, like woven rugs, have begun taking steps to eliminate child slavery, thanks to increased public awareness and pressure to change.
Take Action: End Orphanage Child Trafficking
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I honestly can’t fathom how anyone in their right mind can talk about anything of “value” or “substance” without tying it to the dissolution of this heinous industry. SILENCE IS CONSENT AKA IGNORANCE AKA WAKE UP PEOPLE
Thank you Jane for your input
I agree
i do not think this is to munch it gives me the perfect amount of info
I think this is too much
-Jane ferealiskeedomutchbtteemeeoftenmorey