Eventos en March 2023 – FreedomUnited.org

Calendario de Eventos

Sun Sunday

Mon Monday

Tue Tuesday

Wed Wednesday

Thu Thursday

Fri Friday

Sat Saturday

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Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence: ensuring workability and effectiveness

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Event: Hidden in plain sight – Women’s rights and access to justice in global value chains

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Modern Day Slavery Compensation Claims: Access to reparations for Survivors of Trafficking

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Are labels like Fairtrade the answer to ending exploitation in supply chains?

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Survivor Alliance’s Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing

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Event: Hidden in plain sight – Women’s rights and access to justice in global value chains

About this event "Too often, gender remains invisible in companies’ due diligence processes, as well as to courts and public authorities involved in identifying and addressing adverse impacts or providing remediation when harm has occurred. Speakers from the frontlines will expose the existing barriers for women in companies’ global value chains, and address why they […]

Are labels like Fairtrade the answer to ending exploitation in supply chains?

As store aisles fill up with labels stamped with vaguely familiar certification logos, many of us have found ourselves asking: what does it all mean? Can I trust these certification bodies to tell me this product hasn’t been made with forced labor or deforestation or other social and environmental harms? And are companies sustainable if […]

Survivor Alliance’s Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing

For the past five years, Survivor Alliance has integrated a survivor-informed approach to mental health and wellbeing in everything we do. After gathering expertise from hundreds of survivors and allies, we are excited to share with you how we contextualize our work, what foundational principles and philosophies we stand on, and how we are moving […]