Events for September 2022 –

Calendar of Events

Sun Sunday

Mon Monday

Tue Tuesday

Wed Wednesday

Thu Thursday

Fri Friday

Sat Saturday

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Safety and Security: How to Overcome the Risks When Investigating Human Trafficking

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Centering Survivors’ Voices : Exploring Gaps and Solutions

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Certificate on Human Trafficking Webinar

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Minorities subjected to contemporary forms of slavery: Addressing a global concern

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Shining a Light on Child Labor and Forced Labor in Global Supply Chains

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Seminar on migrants’ rights and international crimes

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Safety and Security: How to Overcome the Risks When Investigating Human Trafficking

"This webinar is organised by’s Modern Slavery Unveiled programme. This is the fifth webinar of the series of online training that aims to assist journalists and Civil Society Organisations who come into contact with human trafficking victims. Register for the webinar here. Safety and Security: How to Overcome the Risks When Investigating Human Trafficking features […]

Centering Survivors’ Voices : Exploring Gaps and Solutions

"In 2021, the UK BME Anti-Slavery Network (BASNET) which is a project of AFRUCA Safeguarding Children launched the first Race Equality Diversity and Inclusion action plan for the UK Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking sector. The Action plan raised numerous issues surrounding the experiences of survivors and the importance of centering their voices and lived […]

Certificate on Human Trafficking Webinar

Please join NN4Y and the McCain Institute as we share about our self-paced online Certificate program we developed where you earn NASW CEUs as you learn about the fundamentals of human trafficking, red flags, assessment approaches, impact of trauma, and how to serve at-risk youth. These two courses ensure that learners will be better equipped […]

Minorities subjected to contemporary forms of slavery: Addressing a global concern

​"The UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery will present his thematic report on contemporary forms of slavery affecting persons belonging to ethnic, religious and linguistic minority communities (A/HRC/51/26) during the 51st session of the UN Human Rights Council on 15 September. This event will be an opportunity to continue and deepen the discussion about […]

Tech Against Trafficking Summit

Tech Against Trafficking is bringing together stakeholders from across sectors to expand opportunities for collaboration and accelerate the impact of innovative technology solutions addressing human trafficking. The two-day summit will focus on three key themes: The state of the field: We will take a look under the hood at how technology is currently being used […]

Tech Against Trafficking Summit

Tech Against Trafficking is bringing together stakeholders from across sectors to expand opportunities for collaboration and accelerate the impact of innovative technology solutions addressing human trafficking. The two-day summit will focus on three key themes: The state of the field: We will take a look under the hood at how technology is currently being used […]

Shining a Light on Child Labor and Forced Labor in Global Supply Chains

Around the globe, investigative journalists have helped to shine a light on the millions of people trapped in child labor and forced labor, abuses often hidden in the supply chains of big brands and consumer products. The U.S. Department of Labor is launching their annual flagship reports on child labor and forced labor and explore […]

Seminar on migrants’ rights and international crimes

"StraLi, UpRights and the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna will host a seminar on 'Migrants' rights and international crimes. New perspectives and challenges for international and domestic jurisdiction'. Together with journalists, researchers, civil society’s representatives, lawyers, prosecutors, and judges, we will discuss pivotal issues at the intersection of migrations and criminal law, […]