Eventos en July 2022 – FreedomUnited.org

Calendario de Eventos

Sun Sunday

Mon Monday

Tue Tuesday

Wed Wednesday

Thu Thursday

Fri Friday

Sat Saturday

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RTA-HTRI Conference: Generating Evidence to Support the Elimination of Child Labour, Forced Labour, and Human Trafficking

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RTA-HTRI Conference: Generating Evidence to Support the Elimination of Child Labour, Forced Labour, and Human Trafficking

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RTA-HTRI Conference: Generating Evidence to Support the Elimination of Child Labour, Forced Labour, and Human Trafficking

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What’s next? Solid EU rules to prevent any products made with forced labor ending up on our shelves

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Book Launch: Orphanage Trafficking in International Law

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Presentation: The new JUSTICE IS EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS campaign

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State-imposed forced labor in Turkmen cotton harvest and the risk of forced labor Turkmen cotton in global supply chains

Foul play? Current issues and solutions in sports trafficking

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A night with gal-dem: Our place is here

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Open call for new Freedom United Board Directors

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Modern slavery is closer than you think

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Art Exhibition, Interactive Installation, and Event for the World Day against Trafficking in Persons 2022.

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Get Ready for Anti-Slavery Week 2022

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RTA-HTRI Conference: Generating Evidence to Support the Elimination of Child Labour, Forced Labour, and Human Trafficking

"The 3-day conference organized by ILO, IOM, and IPA will share and promote new research awarded through the Research to Action (RTA) project and the Human Trafficking Research Initiative (HTRI) Competitive Research Fund. The goal of the event is to advance discussions among researchers, policy actors, social partners, and practitioners around the world – to […]

RTA-HTRI Conference: Generating Evidence to Support the Elimination of Child Labour, Forced Labour, and Human Trafficking

"The 3-day conference organized by ILO, IOM, and IPA will share and promote new research awarded through the Research to Action (RTA) project and the Human Trafficking Research Initiative (HTRI) Competitive Research Fund. The goal of the event is to advance discussions among researchers, policy actors, social partners, and practitioners around the world – to […]

RTA-HTRI Conference: Generating Evidence to Support the Elimination of Child Labour, Forced Labour, and Human Trafficking

"The 3-day conference organized by ILO, IOM, and IPA will share and promote new research awarded through the Research to Action (RTA) project and the Human Trafficking Research Initiative (HTRI) Competitive Research Fund. The goal of the event is to advance discussions among researchers, policy actors, social partners, and practitioners around the world – to […]

Book Launch: Orphanage Trafficking in International Law

Orphanage Trafficking in International Law explores the process of orphanage trafficking as a form of child trafficking in international law, examining the contexts in which it occurs and providing a comprehensive, holistic approach to addressing the issue as a form of trafficking. In doing so, this book establishes the method and process of orphanage trafficking […]

Presentation: The new JUSTICE IS EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS campaign

Webinar to present the new JUSTICE IS EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS campaign, demanding a strong EU due diligence law. About this event "We are excited to announce the JUSTICE IS EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS campaign! This is a new public campaign, pushing for a strong EU law to end human rights violations and environmental harms by companies, as well […]

State-imposed forced labor in Turkmen cotton harvest and the risk of forced labor Turkmen cotton in global supply chains

Join us on July 18, 2022, as leading independent Turkmen human rights groups Turkmen.News and the Turkmen Initiative for Human Rights, launch a joint report exposing state-imposed forced labor during the 2021 cotton harvest in Turkmenistan. Findings of civil society monitoring show that in 2021, once again, the Turkmen government forced tens of thousands of […]

Foul play? Current issues and solutions in sports trafficking

'Foul Play? Current Issues and Solutions in Sports Trafficking' is part of the Commonwealth 8.7 Network's Webinar Series. The Commonwealth 8.7 Network offers a series of webinars for its members and external partners on various thematic and operational issues relevant to their work. This webinar, held in the lead up to the 2022 Commonwealth Games, […]

A night with gal-dem: Our place is here

Hidden behind closed doors, domestic workers are often made to feel invisible. gal-dem is hosting a night of storytelling to give domestic workers the mic around their lived experiences in the UK. From arriving here for the first time, to experiences of exploitation and escape, to finding a sense of community, migrant domestic workers will […]

Open call for new Freedom United Board Directors

Freedom United is searching for new members for its Board of Directors. The role description for these vacancies is available here. We are hosting this event to enable those interested in learning more about these vacancies, to hear from the Board Chair and Executive Director about Freedom United’s work, how the board operates and learn […]

Modern slavery is closer than you think

"Modern slavery is the severe exploitation of other people for personal or commercial gain. Modern slavery is all around us, but often just out of sight, and covers a wide range of abuse. Victims can be of any age, gender, nationality and ethnicity, and they may not recognise themselves as a victim. All organisations must […]

Art Exhibition, Interactive Installation, and Event for the World Day against Trafficking in Persons 2022.

"In the spirit of SDG 4 (“Quality Education”), we have created a popup Interactive Installation for students and young people. In four two-hour sessions, each group of 25 participants learns about human trafficking and modern slavery immersively via: Art exhibition Die Erinnerung an meine Kindheit — Memories from my childhood The artist, Laurent Ziegler, will […]

Get Ready for Anti-Slavery Week 2022

"Organisations: Talk to Slave-Free Alliance specialists, Gavin and Elenor, about how to make the most impact during Anti-Slavery Week 2022 This Anti-Slavery Week, join us in shining the spotlight on the hidden crime of modern slavery. Anti-Slavery Day takes place on 18th October, but Slave-Free Alliance are hosting a whole week of events and campaigns […]