Rescue to Recovery! The story of a slave rescued from 40 years in a shed
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March 4, 2022 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm GMT

Rescue to Recovery! The story of a slave rescued from 40 years in a shed

“Chris* was a vulnerable teenager when he was approached by a man with the offer of work and somewhere to stay. However, this ‘kind’ gesture became a nightmare for Chris, as he was forced to spend the next four decades living in filthy horse boxes, caravans, and finally a garden shed with no access to heat, electricity or running water. The work he did as a painter and handyman made his ’employer’ wealthy, but Chris’ barely saw a penny. He was finally rescued at the age of 58, and is currently living in supported accommodation.

To help people understand the work that goes on behind the scenes of anti-slavery organisations such as City Hearts and the GLAA, we are hosting a free online event where you can hear the story of Chris’ rescue and recovery from the people who made it happen.

Join us on March 4 to hear from the GLAA Criminal Investigator who put the case together, one of the City Hearts Case Workers who helped Chris recover, Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, Dame Sara Thornton, and City Hearts CEO Ed Newton.

The event will follow Chris’ story from rescue to recovery, and will give audience members the chance to ask questions of the panel, as well as discussing ways in which people can help survivors like Chris.”


“Andrew Brown of the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority: An anonymous tip off from a concerned member of the public led to a raid by the GLAA. Nothing could prepare them for what they were about to unveil – a slave who had been held in squalid conditions for 40 years.

Kyle France, City Hearts Accommodation Manager: Arriving with just the clothes on his back, limited communication skills and little knowledge of the ‘outside world’, Chris* was greeted at our Safe House, by Accommodation Manager Kyle.

GLAA: Determined for the case to reach trial, the investigation and evidence gathering commenced, here’s what happened.

City Hearts: Returning to ‘normality’ – the importance of survivor support in the journey to pursing freedom.

Dame Sara Thornton, Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner: Modern slavery in the UK: From identification to supporting victims to become survivors.

Ed Newton, CEO of City Hearts: Mind the gap – how we can make sure every survivor receives the support they need.”


March 4, 2022 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm GMT




City Hearts