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July 12, 2022 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm CEST
Presentation: The new JUSTICE IS EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS campaign
Webinar to present the new JUSTICE IS EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS campaign, demanding a strong EU due diligence law.
About this event
“We are excited to announce the JUSTICE IS EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS campaign!
This is a new public campaign, pushing for a strong EU law to end human rights violations and environmental harms by companies, as well as guaranteeing remedy and justice for people across the world.
The European Commission finally published its proposal for a law on ‘corporate sustainability due diligence’ in February. Whilst we welcomed the proposal in general, after months of waiting for its arrival, we were disappointed to see it’s weak and full of loopholes. Business lobbies have successfully managed to water down the draft.
Prior to the draft, trade unions and NGOs mobilised hundreds of thousands of public responses to the EU’s consultation. This year, we want to mobilise thousands by scaling up the people power and put pressure on our governments and EU leaders to support the strongest possible law!
The campaign will officially launch on 6/7 September 2022.
This webinar will introduce:
- the campaign itself
- the partners and supporters
- the demands and messages
- the key strategies, timeline and key activities
- the LAUNCH in September 2022 and how you can be a part of it.
We hope to see you in July.”