Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner - Launch of Annual Report 2020-2021 -
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July 14, 2021 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm BST

Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner – Launch of Annual Report 2020-2021

The Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, Dame Sara Thornton, has a UK-wide remit to encourage good practice in the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of slavery and human trafficking offences and the identification of victims.

The Commissioner is accountable through her strategic plan and annual reports, which are laid before Parliament by the Secretary of State. The Commissioner’s Annual Report 2020-2021 is scheduled to be laid on 14 July 2021.

At this event, the Commissioner will outline her work so far to achieve her objectives as set out in the Strategic Plan 2019-2021, and discuss her current priorities in the areas of: improving victim care and support; supporting law enforcement and prosecutions; focusing on prevention; and getting value from research and innovation. This will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A session.

The event will be hosted by The Rt Rev Dr Alastair Redfern (Chair of the IASC Advisory Panel) with The Rt Hon Karen Bradley MP (Co-Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking), and The Lord Coaker (Rights Lab Principle Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham) joining Dame Sara in conversation.

This event will be held on the record, and will take place on Zoom. The event will be recorded. Further details will be shared with registered attendees.

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July 14, 2021 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm BST




Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s Office