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Archives: Resources
Free the Children
Here is the dramatic and moving story of one child’s transformation from a normal, middle-class kid from the suburbs to an [...]
Child Labor: Slavery XXI Century: The Invisible Workers
Child labor is a reality…But as hard as this circumstance are, there is another that exceeds any limit: Slavery. According to the [...]
Child slavery now: A contemporary reader
Most slave trades were abolished during the 19th century yet there remain millions of people in slavery today, amongst them [...]
Europol Report on Trafficking Human Beings
Human trafficking is a major problem in the EU and a priority for MS law enforcement agencies. Trafficking in human beings (THB) is a [...]
US State Department TIP Report
The Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report is the U.S. Government’s principal diplomatic tool to engage foreign governments on human [...]
Not My Life
Not My Life is being used as a tool to educate communities worldwide about the millions of children who are exploited, every day, [...]
The Storm Makers
Featuring brutally candid testimony, The Storm Makers is a chilling exposé of Cambodia’s human trafficking underworld and an [...]
Call + Response
Justin Dillon, CEO of Made in a Free World, directed the film “CALL+RESPONSE” and released it nationally into theaters. The [...]
Human Trafficking: Prices and Statistics of the Modern Day Slave Trade
How much does it cost to buy a human? In Greece, a trafficker paid a birth mother $4,100 for her new born baby. A woman in Moscow was [...]
Human Trafficking Around the World: Hidden in Plain Sight
This unprecedented study of sex trafficking, forced labor, organ trafficking, and sex tourism across twenty-four nations highlights the [...]
Reforming the Legislation on the Age of Marriage
This report is part of a UN inter-agency flagship initiative to end child marriage in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). It [...]