Join the fight and help end forced marriage throughout the world! Stop forced child marriage in the United States by outlawing child marriage in all states.
Every three seconds, a child becomes a victim of marriage.1 This egregious child rights violation robs millions of their childhoods, substituting a life of misery and hardship. Our goal is to fight forced child marriage all around the world.
Girls like Maria*, who at 13 was forced to become the sixth wife of a 70-year-old man. When she resisted, her father told her: “If you don’t go to join your husband, I will kill you.”2
Join our movement to end forced child marriage and help girls like Maria.
Right now world leaders, government officials, and civil society can make ending forced marriage a priority. Sustainable Development Goal 5.3 has put ending forced marriage on the global agenda and with our support for this goal, we can help change the lives of girls like Maria for the better.
But we need people like you to help push governments and civil society to make ending this abhorrent practice a priority.
Case by case, country by country, we will push lawmakers and politicians to protect children from this abhorrent practice.
Want to know more about forced child marriage and how to fight it around the world – check out our blog here!
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