Stable futures UK -

Help trafficked children in the UK

petition hand-in, Oct 2018

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“I was lost; my childhood was stolen. But no-one seemed to want to help me.” – Sophie*, 15, who was sexually exploited for two years

Thousands of children each year like Sophie* are identified as victims of modern slavery and trafficking in the UK. They come from more than a hundred countries, including from within the UK itself. These children are known to be in situations of sexual exploitation, forced labour, criminal exploitation and domestic servitude – and they are some of the most vulnerable in our society, with many being alone in the UK with no family.

Those suspected of being trafficked qualify for support under child protection laws in the UK. However, the level of this support provided is often severely lacking and hugely inconsistent – as highlighted recently in the BBC’s Three Girls documentary about sexual exploitation in Rochdale.

Right now, the Home Office is examining the process for identifying and supporting victims of trafficking. This is our chance to ensure they include adequate provisions for child victims in the UK in their recommendations. We need your help to make sure they listen.

Send an email now to the Home Secretary to demand guaranteed specialist support for trafficked children.

If it is serious about its promise to “defeat modern slavery“, the Government must overhaul the current system of identification and support for victims of trafficking – the National Referral Mechanism (NRM). The new system would have child rights at its heart and ensure nationality and immigration play no part in the identification of risk for children. It would take the form of a local, multi-agency ‘hub’, using trained, child protection actors with expertise in recognising and dealing with children at risk of trafficking and exploitation. Such a ‘hub’ could provide crucial intelligence locally and nationally, and would guarantee each child who has been a victim of modern slavery the specialist support they need.

*real name and image changed to protect her identity.

  • July 6, 2021: Proposed measures set out in the controversial Nationality and Borders Bill will seriously impact child trafficking survivors and hinder their recovery. Read more here.

  • COVID-19 Update: Our partners at ECPAT UK have warned that the coronavirus lockdown can be incredibly triggering to child victims of trafficking, for whom having limited freedom of movement brings back difficult memories of being under the control of their traffickers. Read more here.

  • February 2020: We’re continuing to call on the UK to give child victims of trafficking a chance to recover and rebuild their lives with our partners, ECPAT UK. Join us and take action today to demand stable futures for young victims.

  • July 17, 2019: Shocking new evidence shows child victims of trafficking in the UK have faced the threat of deportation to countries where they are at risk of being retrafficked and exploited. Read more on the story here.

  • Jul 18, 2017: Campaign Launches

Chip in and help end modern slavery once and for all.


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Jennifer Burnside
5 years ago

This is horrible. I was forced into trafficing as a adult. The scars are very hard to heal and to talk about. For a child who is ment to be protected it is worse. To grow with the wrong type of eww love is inhumain at best. These children need help not addititional fears! A civilized world should not turn a blind eye to one who does and has suffered.
Thank you,
jennifer Burnside

Robert Vincelette
5 years ago

The deserved stigma of committing the crime of trafficking children is enough to cause even the most hardened psychopaths such as Jeffry Epstine to commit suicide. Either you are for it or you are against it, there is no in between. Don’t become another Epstine with your tolerance of laws to return children to their human traffickers. Do your duty.

L.Surya Narayana Reddy

Say ‘No’ to these kind of acts of anti-social elements.Punish them rigorously for a better future of society.

4 years ago

I will never understand a person using another person for labor, sex, what ever,. Leaves a scar that is hard to forget for the person being used. This is such a cruel world regarding this subject. I hope more are released and can live a great life after suffering the worse.

anu pande
anu pande
5 years ago

below 18 years – juvenile — law should be different even in common law

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