Pledge to make your home slavery free -

Pledge to make Indian homes slavery free

My home is slavery free

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Almost every family in India’s big cities has a regular maid. The maid who cooks, cleans, takes care of the children, irons clothes and completes other household work. The ‘bai’ who goes home at the end of a long day to take care of her own family. The ‘aaya’ who always gets paid at the end of every month.

But chances are that someone just like her, a maid working near your house, is being ill-treated or even forced to work – with no pay, no contact with family or friends, working from early morning to midnight and vulnerable to sexual and physical abuse.

We know that you respect maids for the hard work they do, probably your friends and family do too. By signing this pledge, you’ll send a strong message to those who treat their maids as less than human.

The demand for live-in maids in big cities is rising, and feeding on this vast market are numerous, obscure placement agencies that lure vulnerable girls from villages with false promise of a good job in the city. People near you may be paying these agencies to hire a maid without verification, and in most cases, paying the monthly salary to the agency instead of her.

Take a stand for all these girls and young women who can’t speak up for themselves and ensure that they are treated well and are working on their own free will.

Human trafficking is a crime. To report in India, call Shakti Vahini on +91-11-42244224, +91-9582909025 or the national helpline Childline on 1098.

  • COVID-19 Update: Victims of modern slavery are often referred to as being hidden in plain sight, but during the pandemic, they are hidden twice over. Social distancing policies requiring people to stay indoors have led to some domestic workers losing their jobs thus increasing their vulnerability, while others face more intense work due to their employer staying home. Take a stand today. 

  • December 4, 2017: Read this account of domestic slavery in India from the New York Times’s Lens series.

  • Sep 24, 2015: Campaign Launches

Chip in and help end modern slavery once and for all.


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chaitanya prakash audichya

domestic help act in the India yet to come. Many girls migrating from the poor states of the India to metro cities and becomes victim of slavery and trafficking.

Nina Keates
Nina Keates
6 years ago

It must that there’s should be no slavery should ever happen and if you get someone to help you in your home they need to payed a good wage and leave work at right time and not work there all day and night is not treated badly

6 years ago

Maids working at homes are of four types. 24 hours service to the owners. 8 hours or 10 hours child care and house hold work. Third is floor cleaning , cloth washing and vessel cleaning (three jobs)one time one hour to one half hour a day in cities. Four cooking one or two times a day one to two hours. First two category are most ruthlessly exploited and sometime undergo all abuses and violence.

Prevent domestic slavery in your home


Help us reach 10,000

I believe that no person should be forced or trapped in any work, whether in my own family home, or any other work place. I’ll be outraged if someone took my son or daughter, took their labour for free, and treated them like a slave.

By signing this pledge, I’m taking a stand against domestic slavery and ensuring that “My Home is Slavery Free”.

I pledge to:

– Not employ anyone below the age of 18 years;
– Verify my domestic worker’s identity with the local police;
– Check the recruitment process to ensure no illegal fees have been paid. I commit to pay the brokerage/agents fee (costs of recruitment) myself, so my domestic worker does not incur debts before she/he arrives at my house;
– Pay salary directly to my domestic worker, preferably in her/his bank account, and in accordance with the minimum wages set by the state government;
– Ensure that my domestic worker is in regular touch with her/his family;
– Ensure that she/he is not working more than 8 hours a day and has a weekly day off.

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