PepsiCo: Commit to Slavery-Free, Responsible Palm Oil -

PepsiCo: Commit to Slavery-Free, Responsible Palm Oil

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Palm oil. From the moment you wake up and eat your breakfast, to brushing your teeth just before you go to bed, the chances are you have already consumed palm oil dozens of times.

This ingredient touches almost every aspect of our lives and palm oil also been shown to be produced by workers and children trapped in modern slavery.1

The vast majority of global palm oil comes from plantations in tropical countries, where journalists and workers’ rights organisations have documented widespread exploitation. Workers are often trafficked into bonded labour, forced to live and work under extreme conditions, with limited legal recourse, and suffer from physical or threatened abuse. Child labor is also known to be rampant throughout palm oil plantations.2

Why? Companies like PepsiCo, one of the world’s largest snack food and beverage companies, demand cheap palm oil to use in their products while asking few questions about where it comes from or the damage caused.

PepsiCo uses palm oil in a huge array of products we consume everyday – and it has no way of knowing if its palm oil is slavery-free. But we can change this.

Call on PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi to pledge to exclusively and immediately use slavery-free palm oil.

  • We recently received PepsiCo’s new palm oil procurement policies. We commend PepsiCo for making a public commitment against forced labour in its supply chain but are calling on the company to commit to 100% independent traceability of all palm oil, and effective, immediate enforcement, monitoring and independent verification at all levels of their palm oil supply chain to ensure that this commitment is implemented.

Chip in and help end modern slavery once and for all.


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