Globally, over 5 million children are trapped in situations of modern slavery, such as domestic servitude, forced labor, or forced marriage, on any given day.
Empowering youth
Young people everywhere deserve to live free from exploitation and feel empowered to stand up and say “no” for themselves and on behalf of children around the world. That’s why My Freedom Day is an important moment to open a conversation about trafficking and build power amongst students for a brighter future.1
Students lead My Freedom Day annually in countries all over the world, from Nigeria to Hong Kong and England to India. Through activities like dramatic performances, dancing, singing, short films and spoken word poetry, students spread awareness about modern slavery and human trafficking. Through awareness comes action.2
Stand with students
My Freedom Day is an opportunity to bring the conversation of modern slavery and human trafficking to your school and into your community. We provide a how-to campaign guide, a “call to action” roadmap and templates to help spread the word, and a community of support. We just need more people like you to join the movement!
Pledge your support for student-led awareness-raising to help amplify the fight to end modern slavery and human trafficking, building power for a brighter future.
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