Survivor Alliance pledge to interact ethically with survivors -

Pledge to interact ethically with survivors

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Anti-trafficking and anti-slavery education and awareness events are becoming commonplace. At these events, survivors of slavery and human trafficking are sometimes asked to participate as speakers or panelists. Survivor participation is often limited to telling the worst experiences of their traumas. They also face boundary violations emotionally and physically, such as inappropriate touching. When that happens, there is little to no way for survivors to immediately assert that boundaries were violated because they may be on-stage and fearful of the power dynamics at play. Also, there is rarely any accountability of individuals or remediation of the problem available after these events.

The solution

We are asking individuals and organizations to sign on to this pledge and to make a commitment to creating safe and ethical interactions with survivors at all events. Signing this pledge also means that you are open to being held accountable for each item listed in the pledge sign-up box.

This pledge comes directly from survivors and may be used as part of contractual agreements when survivors agree to participate in events.

Chip in and help end modern slavery once and for all.


Freedom United is interested in hearing from our community and welcomes relevant, informed comments, advice, and insights that advance the conversation around our campaigns and advocacy. We value inclusivity and respect within our community. To be approved, your comments should be civil.

stop icon A few things we do not tolerate: comments that promote discrimination, prejudice, racism, or xenophobia, as well as personal attacks or profanity. We screen submissions in order to create a space where the entire Freedom United community feels safe to express and exchange thoughtful opinions.

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selina deveau
selina deveau
2 years ago

As a survivor Leader, this is HUGE! I have worked in the movement for 10 yrs.I have told my story, taken pictures with the “important” people as they smile proudly that they “know” a survivor. despite what I have contributed including developing sustainable treatment options for survivors of HT that are trauma-informed and survivor-led. I have worked hard, I am ok to parade around and show off but not good enough to get paid for my work. this is so important and aligns with my beliefs I AM IN!

Jo Walker
Jo Walker
2 years ago

In Survivor led advocacy we want to focus on the healing and empowering of survivors not trigger them nor exploit them in having them share the hurtful details of their past.

Seng Aung Sein Myint
Seng Aung Sein Myint
5 years ago

Great initiative.

1 year ago

As a survivor of human trafficking I want to make this world a better place for everyone no situation is permanent and with God everything is possible

Prosenjit Dutta
1 year ago

I am with this movement around 8 years. When I am with my attendees, I fell proud that I can do somethings for them. They are confident that they are with me. We move together for rights winning speeches and activities. I am happy to answer them regarding their rights related question and how to win their movement. But we are money-less so it is taking more time to final movement. We have promised to ourselves that we will not stop without win.

I pledge to interact ethically with survivors at events


Help us reach 5,000
Read the full textRead the full text

I will treat survivors as a peer and colleague regardless of the survivors’ professional status in the anti-trafficking field. I will compensate them fairly for their input and participation and treat their input with respect and validity.

I pledge to ask survivors for their subject matter expertise. I will not ask them to speak about the worst parts of their trauma.

I pledge to ask survivors about what kinds of questions they would like to be asked when sitting on a panel or being interviewed. I will not surprise them with unnecessary questions about their life that could be triggering and I will stick to the agreed upon questions and format.

I pledge to respect survivors’ physical and emotional boundaries. I will not assume shared physical or emotional intimacy. For example, I will ask permission to give hugs.

I pledge to listen to survivors and respect their expertise on their trauma and healing. I will not tell them how to do their healing better or question their experiences.

Freedom United will protect your privacy while updating you on campaigns, news and stories about modern slavery. Freedom United has my permission to email me with news and campaigns. I understand that I can unsubscribe at any time.

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    G.M.Noor-A-Alam R.
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We've Pledged:
Centro Yana
CAPI logo
Adopt a generation logo
DRC Aid logo
African Bumbano logo
Action & humanisme logo
PWFU logo
Intl. Organization for Peace Building & Social Justice logo
Oselobua logo
Mitra Wacana
Collaborative Community Solutions logo
West Midlands Anti-Slavery Network signs My Story, My Dignity pledge
Rebecca Bender Initiative signs ethical interactions pledge
Cast logo 474x240
NEO philanthropy logo
Traffick Jam logo
Kendall Alaimo logo
AMWA logo
Freedom Forward logo
Anniecannons logo
Amirah inc logo
Restore innocence ranch logo
Jenna McKaye logo
Stanford logo
Sanar Institute logo
GloryB logo
outland denim logo
HEAL trafficking logo