Amend the U.S. TVPA: End orphanage trafficking -

US: act to end orphanage trafficking

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Orphanage voluntourism and orphanage trafficking 

Children are being trafficked into orphanages—not because they are orphans, but because traffickers know they can profit from well-meaning donations and voluntourism. Shockingly, 80% of children in orphanages have at least one living parent. Families are deceived with false promises of education and care, only to have their children exploited for profit.1

This is modern slavery. Children are kept in orphanages to attract donations and volunteers. They are denied their families, subjected to neglect, abuse, and forced to live in institutions designed to maximize profits, not provide care.

It’s clear that organizations offering orphanage placements can play a role in ending the cycle of abuse fueled by demand for volunteer placements, which traffickers are exploiting to profit from the mistreatment of vulnerable children.

These children are often subjected to neglect, psychological harm, and, in some cases, physical and sexual abuse. They grow up in institutions not because they have no family, but because traffickers exploit their vulnerability to make money.2

Attracted by money from donors and “voluntourism,” traffickers are turning children into commodities.

Why this matters to the US

The United States is one of the largest sources of volunteers and donations supporting orphanages abroad.3 Many well-intentioned Americans unknowingly contribute to orphanage trafficking through “voluntourism” programs that place volunteers in institutions exploiting children. This demand keeps children in institutions, fueling a cycle of exploitation.

This practice—orphanage trafficking—is a form of modern slavery, and it’s time the US recognizes it as such.

The US Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) must be amended

The US Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) is a powerful tool in the fight against human trafficking, but it does not currently recognize orphanage trafficking as a distinct form of exploitation

This critical gap in the TVPA allows organizations and individuals—whether knowingly or unknowingly—to fund, promote, and participate in orphanage trafficking without consequences. It is time to close that loophole and demand that the TVPA recognize orphanage trafficking as a form of modern slavery.

The call to action: 

We are calling on lawmakers to amend the TVPA to formally recognize orphanage trafficking as a form of modern slavery

This amendment would establish a crucial legal precedent for holding organizations accountable for their involvement in this exploitative practice and thereby root out orphanage trafficking.

Here’s how:

1. Legal accountability and transparency requirements

By explicitly defining orphanage trafficking as modern slavery under the TVPA, organizations offering volunteer placements or soliciting donations for orphanages would be required to conduct due diligence to ensure they are not complicit in exploitation. This means:

  • Voluntourism agencies would need to verify that the orphanages they partner with do not exploit children.
  • Nonprofits and charities would have to ensure that donations are used ethically and not fueling child trafficking.

2. Precedent for ethical practices and legal deterrents

If organizations knowingly or negligently mislead donors or volunteers about the ethical impact of their contributions, they could face legal consequences under false advertising laws. Therefore, by recognizing orphanage trafficking under the TVPA, a legal deterrent would be established:

  • Misrepresentation: If an organization claims that donations or volunteer placements help orphans but actually support trafficked children, this could be considered false advertising.
  • Consumer deception: donors and volunteers who are misled into contributing to exploitative institutions would have grounds to sue for deception and misrepresentation.4
  • Organizations would be legally obligated to increase transparency about how donations are used and where volunteers are placed.
  • Failure to comply could lead to civil lawsuits from donors or volunteers who were duped, and potentially criminal investigations for complicity in trafficking.

4. Impact on voluntourism and nonprofit sector

  • This legal precedent would disrupt unethical orphanage voluntourism by discouraging organizations from partnering with exploitative institutions.
  • It would also promote a shift towards supporting family-based care solutions, which are less prone to exploitation.5

This amendment wouldn’t just close legal loopholes; it would also transform industry standards, compelling voluntourism agencies and nonprofits to act responsibly and transparently. 

By formally recognizing orphanage trafficking as a form of modern slavery, the U.S. would take a leading role in ending orphanage trafficking and protecting vulnerable children from exploitation.

How you can take action

Sign the petition urging Congress to amend the TVPA and recognize orphanage trafficking as modern slavery.

Spread the word: Share this campaign and help end the cycle of exploitation.

Learn more: watch this exclusive screening of the film Volunteers Needed

Together, we can end orphanage trafficking and protect children from exploitation. Join the movement today.


  3. Six main US sectors that contribute most significantly to the support of orphanages abroad. These are: (1) high school, gap-year and university study abroad programs; (2) the voluntourism industry; (3) faith-based institutions; (4) US-based charities, foundations and individual donors; (5) the US Government; and (6) “independent influencers,” an informal network of individuals that support orphanages abroad outside of these more established support sectors;
  • January 2024:  Senator Villanueva and State Representative Will Guzzardi introduce SB2391 after years of tireless advocacy from survivors, sex workers, and community organizations at the frontlines.

    This landmark bill actively works to prevent exploitation, protect those who are coerced into sex work, and provide survivors with a path to safety and stability.

Chip in and help end modern slavery once and for all.


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Amend the U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Act : End orphanage trafficking

To U.S. Lawmakers,

I am deeply concerned about the exploitation of vulnerable children through orphanage trafficking. Every year, countless children are trafficked into orphanages not because they are orphans, but because they are used to attract donations and volunteers from well-meaning people around the world—including from the United States.

This is modern slavery, and it is happening because there is demand—demand from volunteers and donors who genuinely want to help, but whose good intentions are being manipulated.

The U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) is a powerful tool in the fight against human trafficking, but it does not currently recognize orphanage trafficking as a distinct form of exploitation. This gap allows traffickers to continue profiting from this cruel practice without fear of retribution.

This amendment wouldn’t just close legal loopholes; it would also transform industry standards, compelling voluntourism agencies and nonprofits to act responsibly and transparently. 

By formally recognizing orphanage trafficking as a form of modern slavery, the U.S. would take a leading role in ending orphanage trafficking and protecting vulnerable children from exploitation.

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