Pressure mounts to free Cambodian journalist Mech Dara

Pressure mounts on Cambodian government to free journalist Mech Dara

  • Published on
    October 8, 2024
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  • Category:
    Forced Labor, Human Trafficking
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Journalist Mech Dara’s reporting on cyber slavery compounds based out of Cambodia shone a light on a rapidly expanding form of modern slavery. However, despite winning awards for his heroism in reporting, Dara was recently arrested on what most observers agree are trumped up charges aimed at stopping his reporting. But there is increasing international pressure for his immediate release according to a recent Newsweek article. 

Cambodian government “tit for tat” 

Mech Dara was one of the first journalists to do in-depth investigation into human trafficking connected to online scam operations, or cyber slavery. His reporting on operations in Cambodia helped bring international attention to the issue. It also led to much needed improvements in the Cambodian government’s anti-trafficking response. Experts believe it’s no coincidence that Dara’s arrest came hot on the heels of U.S. Treasury sanctions on a prominent Cambodian businessman Dara linked to the crime.  

Phil Robertson, director of Asia Human Rights and Labour Advocates said: 

“By arresting Mech Dara, the Cambodian government shows that it neither respects media freedom nor cares about efforts to investigate and clean up the burgeoning ‘pig butchering‘ scam center enterprises operating with impunity in the country.” 

Dara’s investigation drew links between Ly Yong Phat, a Cambodian senator and businessman, and cyber slavery compounds that dot the countryside. In addition, Dara reported on corruption in Cambodian government and the government’s complicity in the illegal operations. Rights experts feel he was most likely arrested due to an “abusive legal complaint from the provincial administration for simply doing his job of reporting information of public interest”.  

Growing drumbeat of demands for release 

Due to his arrest Dara is facing two years in jail. The arrest comes at a time when relations between the U.S. and Cambodia are strained, and the death toll associated with cyber slavery continues to rise. According to a recent article, suspicious deaths with links to Cambodia’s illegal scam operations and cyber slavery are an almost weekly occurrence. It isn’t certain the deaths are because of violence or suicide while living in modern slavery. But reports from survivors about the treatment and conditions in Cambodian compounds match evidence from the suspicious deaths. 46 local Cambodian human rights groups have called for Mech Dara’s release. 

The groups said in a joint statement: 

“The arrest of Dara is a clear attempt to intimidate and silence him and other journalists in a country where press freedoms are routinely curtailed.”  

Even before Dara’s arrest, Reporters Without Borders ranked Cambodia 151 out of 180 countries on the world press freedom index. According to the organization, the few remaining media outlets in Cambodia are simply spouting the government line. Coverage of subjects like opposition, corruption and deforestation (modern slavery among them) are impossible to cover. But the E.U., Australia and the U.S. have all expressed concerns about the arrest. In addition, numerous modern slavery and human rights groups around the world are calling for Dara’s immediate release.  

Drop the bogus charges and release Dara now! 

Roberson stated, thanks to rights groups and international governments there is a growing drumbeat of pressure on the Cambodian government to drop the bogus charges against Dara and release him. Freedom United is one of those demanding Daras’ release. The Cambodian government should not imprison journalists reporting on serious human rights abuse related to the treatment of trafficked workers subjected to forced labor in online scam centers in Cambodia.

Stand with us and add your voice to those calling for Mech Dara’s immediate release. Because calling out criminal behavior and modern slavery shouldn’t cost someone else their freedom. 


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