THE FIGHT FOR EQUALITY: Global Perspectives on Reducing Sexual Exploitation -
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September 23, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm BST

THE FIGHT FOR EQUALITY: Global Perspectives on Reducing Sexual Exploitation

The goal of this virtual event is to empower and educate the community on the many harms of human trafficking, and further explore the intersections of race, gender, and trafficking. We will look at data that underscore the inequities of power and systemic oppression from around the globe and discuss policies that help address these challenges.

We are thrilled to be joined by Rita Maria Hernández, PhD, and Héma Sibi on the panel. This discussion and live Q&A will be led by BEST’s Executive Director, Mar Brettmann, PhD.

Dr. Rita Maria Hernández has worked for 12 years on issues related to Human Trafficking and advocates for victims of commercial sexual exploitation around the world. She has focused much of her work in Latin America, and has been instrumental in developing frontline services and legislature around the issue. She organizes awareness campaigns and research projects to communicate about the very thin line that exists between sexual trafficking and prostitution, and the reality that this is a transnational crime, especially in the border towns between Mexico and the United States.

She was Executive Director of Comisión Unidos vs Trata A.C from 2015 – 2019 the organization helped pass Human Trafficking Laws in Mexico and runs the first shelter for sexually exploited boys and girls. She serves on the Board of the International Coalition for the Abolition of Prostitution. Currently she is owner and CEO of Highland Prince Academy a private School in Tijuana and Executive Director of Mares A.C. an organization that fights Commercial sexual exploitation as well as being the Director of Policy and Advocacy for Rescue Freedom International. Rita has a Master’s Degree in Education Research and a Doctorate in Public Policy. She holds dual US and Mexican citizenship.

Héma Sibi is CAP International’s Advocacy Coordinator. A keen advocate for women’s rights, Héma has worked with victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation and has written numerous articles on feminist issues for women’s rights organizations. As a jurist specialised in international and European human rights law, she has worked on issues related to the rights of refugees, displaced persons and asylum seekers at the UNHCR and has done advocacy work for the organisation ONE fighting against extreme poverty. At CAP Héma advocates for the adoption and implementation of national and international ambitious policies to protect victims of trafficking and prostitution. She developed the Last Girl First research project which focuses on patterns of domination intersecting in the system of prostitution (patriarchy, racism, colonization, war/conflict, classism, imperialism) and the factors of vulnerability to it.

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September 23, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm BST




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